Friday, May 29, 2009

top 10 comic characters and thier affiliation

1. Cable: Marvel (Telekenisis)
2. Gambit: Marvel (Turns potential energy into kinetic)
3. Deadpool: Marvel (Regeneration, Bad ass)
4. Punisher: Marvel (bad ass)
5. Wolverine: Marvel (regeneration)
6. Fathom: TopCow (can manipulate water in anyway shape or form)
7. Grifter: Image ( Thief and bad ass)
8. Nightcrawler: Marvel (Teleportation)
9. Korvus: Marvel (power of the pheonix, sweet sword)
10.The Twins from Spirit of the Tao: TopCow (can partially of fully turn into dragons)


Sean! said...

are you trying to make me so angry by leaving out the Batman?

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