Sunday, September 21, 2008


1. Stephen Chow (Kung Fu Hustle) will be directing a co-staring in the Green Hornet movie as the famous Kato. Seth Rogen is set to play The Green Hornet. Seth and and Evan (SuperBad) wrote the movie.

2. Battle in Seattle

3. Good Dick

4. A Shark Ate Me!!!

5. Guy Ritchie (Snatch) is doing a Sherlock Holmes based of a new comic book. Robert Downey jr and mark strong are signed on, Jude Law is looking to be Watson.

6. There is a new show coming to ABC, Called Flash Forward. Its follows The Events after the entire world blacks out for 2 minutes and 17 seconds. Sounds Crazy, but will probably be good. Who new a show about a crashed passenger plane would rule so hard?

7. Apparently Alan Moore hates Hollywood and DC and Marvel anything to do with movies let alone comic movies. i just read up on it and man that guy is weird. The Watchmen, FOX legal issues are tickling his fancy.

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